Hekkan er en ren lavkarbo lys lager, men med litt mer humlepreg enn vanlig lager, noe som gir en lengre ettersmak.

18,00 kgPilsner Malt lokal (3,5 EBC)Grain186,7 %11,74 L
2,50 kgChic Malt (5,9 EBC)Grain212,0 %1,63 L
0,25 kgCaramunich Malt (110,3 EBC)Grain31,2 %0,16 L
100,00 gPerle [9,20 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop425,7 IBUs-
2,00 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15,0 mins)Fining5--
5,00 tspYeast Nutrient (Boil 15,0 mins)Other6--
100,00 gGerman Amarillo Lupulinator (Cryo) 13.2% [13,20 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop77,4 IBUs-
100,00 gMotueka [7,10 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop84,0 IBUs-
1,0 pkgHP Lager (White Labs #WLP925)Yeast9--
3,00 tspAmylase Enzyme (Primary 3,0 days)Other10--
100,00 gGerman Amarillo Lupulinator (Cryo) 13.2% [13,20 %] - 3,0 Days Before Bottling for 3,0 DaysHop110,0 IBUs-
100,00 gMotueka [7,10 %] - 3,0 Days Before Bottling for 3,0 DaysHop120,0 IBUs-

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 1,052 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1,008 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5,8 %
Bitterness: 37,0 IBUs
Est Color: 8,4 EBC

Measured Original Gravity: 1,047 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1,010 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4,9 %
Calories: 436,7 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Temperature Mash, 1 Step, Light Body
Sparge Water: 71,90 L
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Est Mash PH: 5,71
Measured Mash PH: 5,20

Total Grain Weight: 20,75 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition: None
Sparge Acid Addition: None

NameDescriptionStep TemperatureStep Time
MashingAdd 63,01 L of water and heat to 64,0 C over 15 min64,0 C90 min
Mash OutHeat to 76,0 C over 10 min76,0 C10 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 71,90 L water at 75,6 C

Mash Notes: Temperature mash for use when mashing in a brew pot over a heat source such as the stove. Use heat to maintain desired temperature during the mash.

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Keg
Pressure/Weight: 86,48 KPA
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 7,2 C
Fermentation: Lager, Three Stage

Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Est: Keg with 86,48 KPA
Carbonation (from Meas Vol): Keg with 86,48 KPA
Age for: 45,00 days
Storage Temperature: 2,0 C


Gjæren pitches på 10 grader.


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